Masala Shikanji: Masala Shikanji will keep digestion healthy in summer, coolness will dissolve in the body, it is ready in minutes


Masala Shikanji is very beneficial in the summer season.
Masala Shikanji is prepared from things like lemon, mint leaves etc.

Masala Shikanji Recipe: If you get cold masala Shikanji in the summer season, then the day is made. Amidst the scorching heat of May, the body remains at risk of dehydrating rapidly, in such a situation, consumption of Shikanji helps in keeping the body hydrated. Drinking Masala Shikanji gives a lot of relief in digestive problems during the summer season. After drinking Masala Shikanji, a feeling of coolness dissolves in the body and it maintains the body temperature. Masala Shikanji can be prepared very easily in minutes.
Masala Shikanji is consumed by adults as well as children with great enthusiasm and it is very beneficial for health. To make Masala Shikanji, lemon, mint leaves and other spices are required, which are easily available at home. Let’s know the recipe for making Masala Shikanji.

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Ingredients for Masala Shikanji
Lemon – 4-5
Mint leaves – 2 tbsp
Coarsely ground black pepper – 1 tsp
Mint leaves powder – 1 tsp
Chaat masala – 1 tsp
Roasted cumin powder – 1 tsp
black salt – as per taste
Sugar – 8-10 tsp (as per taste)
Ice cubes – 4-5

Masala Shikanji Recipe
To make Masala Shikanji, first wash the mint leaves and chop them finely. After this, put cumin seeds on a pan and roast them on a low flame. After roasting cumin, cool it and grind it coarsely to make powder. Now take a big bowl and cut lemon and keep squeezing lemon juice in the bowl. After extracting juice from all the lemons, cover the bowl and keep it aside for some time.

Now take another small bowl and add roasted cumin powder, black pepper powder, chaat masala, black salt and mint leaves powder and mix everything well. Now take a deep bottomed utensil or jug ​​and add lemon juice and other prepared spices to it and add 5-6 glasses of water to the jug and mix everything well with the help of a spoon.

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Now put some ice cubes inside the masala shikanji and leave it like this for a minute so that the shikanji can cool down completely. After this, put Masala Shikanji in a serving glass and add some mint leaves. You can also garnish it with lemon slices. Masala Shikanji is now ready to serve.

Tags: food, Food Recipe, Lifestyle

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